How to live for 200 years
Wait, what? Yes my dear. Two hundred.
I’m not talking about innovations in technology and science that will allow us to strike the fountain of youth and live forever – well, not exactly.
I’m talking about a concept from Norwegian-American sociologist and peace activist Elise Boulding.
Boulding studied and wrote extensively about peace and social change, and famously stated that we live in a 200-year present.
What did she mean by that?
First think of the very oldest person that might have held you in their arms when you were a baby. Now if you live to be 90 or 100 years old, think of the very youngest person you might hold in your arms.
You have the capacity to touch the lives of people in a two-century time span, in profoundly significant ways.
Paeonia (peonies) hot off the printing press, 2020.
We need this awareness now perhaps more than ever.
We live in an era of astronomical access to information, which is AMAZING but it also comes at a heavy price.
Knowing more can often be a cause to worry more. Devastating fires across Australia, earthquakes in Puerto Rico, a pandemic virus taking lives in China and across the world, Wet’suwet’en land defenders being violently removed from their rightful territory – the list goes on and on.
With all the violence and devastation happening in this world, it’s easy to fall into despair. How can one person make a difference in the face of such suffering? Feeling powerless is totally understandable.
The 200-year present is important because it brings us back to the awareness of interconnection and interdependence.
Even the smallest action ripples outwards way beyond what you can see.
You know this.
But it can be so easy to forget that what you do in this life matters.
Piles of pink and purple peonies.
You and I alone may not be able to save the whole world. But I guarantee you’ve touched the lives of so many people in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Just by existing, first of all. And then by being you; discovering who you are and harnessing your unique superpowers.
Let me ask you this. Have you ever had someone say an off-hand remark to you that just stuck with you? A simple observation, a compliment, a comment that for whatever reason you needed to hear at that exact moment and it would change the way you see things forever. They may have said it in passing, not thinking twice about it, or even remembering having said it – but you’ll never forget.
You’re that person for someone. Even the smallest passing remark you might have made could have changed the course of their whole life.
You are so much more powerful than you could ever imagine.
You’re incredible. You’re awesome. And best of all, you’re completely unique. There has never been another you and there never will be again.
The concept of a 200-year present can be overwhelming because it can feel like a tremendous amount of responsibility. But it can also be empowering beyond belief – because it reminds you that you do have power to change things. You do have an impact on those around you. And you do get to decide how to best direct your energy, how to contribute your unique efforts and create the ideal world of the future that you envision.
So how do you live for 200 years? Realize that what you do with your time NOW matters, and will continue to matter for a long time to come.
Thank you for showing up. Thank you for your effort and your energy. You’ve touched my life in countless ways, even just by reading these words. I’m so glad we’re in this together.
Studio News
Paeonia, 2020. Woodcut on Japanese paper. 14”x17”
The 2020 woodcut collection is in full production mode over here. So many new things are simmering, and I’m bursting with excitement to share it all with you. I was going to wait and release the new series all together, but I’m just too darn excited to keep this under wraps, so here it is: this year’s very first edition of handmade prints, Paeonia (Peonies).
Paeonia is a two-colour reduction woodcut in a limited edition of 20 prints. Each original print is signed, numbered and includes custom archival 14”x17” mat & backing, making it safe to ship anywhere and simple to frame when it arrives on your doorstep. Click here to learn more.
If you’re local to Montreal I’ll even frame it for you. Simply send me an email at to set it up. I’d be thrilled to help you make your framed art dreams a reality.
If you want to know more about how woodcuts are made, you’re in luck because I made a whole video about it! Watch it here.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here.