Standing on the shoulders of giants
Exquisite Mirror
Giants (Giant Hogweed), print detail, 2022
For the past 2 months I’ve been working on the largest woodblock print I’ve ever made, and this weekend I have the honour to share it with you in person at my solo exhibition Exquisite Mirror, opening this Saturday, October 22 at Galerie Aussenwelt (details below).
I'd love to see you there!
Giants (Giant Hogweed)
Giants (Giant Hogweed), woodblock in progress, 2022
Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is a dazzlingly beautiful yet highly toxic invasive plant that can grow to 5 metres (15 feet) tall.
Giants (Giant Hogweed) woodblock in progress
In humans, the sap from giant hogweed can cause blindness and severe burns that can take several years to heal.
A potent reminder of the power of nature, and that things are not always as they seem.
Giants (Giant Hogweed) is a reduction woodblock print made from a hand-carved woodblock, inked and printed using an American French tool press at Atelier Circulaire in Montréal.
I only made 10 of these, and no two are exactly alike.
Giants (Giant Hogweed) print detail
Giants will be shown for the first time in person at the upcoming exhibition, along with pieces from the new collection, and a couple other surprises. The show runs October 22-27 (find the event details here).
Prints will be available online after the show closes. If you're interested in acquiring a print from this super limited edition, hit the reply button and let me know.
Always happy to help gorgeous up your walls!
Lastly, thank you for loving and ordering prints from the new collection -- and a reminder that until October 31, all online orders come with free stickers, and orders over $100 come with a free tote bag.
I'd like to acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Atelier Circulaire, Galerie Aussenwelt, and my production assistants Lewis H Wockner & Stephanie Manica - thank you for helping bring this project to life.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here.
PS. Can't make it to the show in person? There's going to be a virtual vernissage on October 26 at 3pm - follow me on Instagram to join.